Saturday, October 15, 2011

Please Pray - Needing a Roof - for the New TLC

What -  The “TLC” – The Timothy Leadership Center

When -  Facilities are projected to be completed in early 2012

Where -  The "TLC" is located in Nouaille, Haiti approximately 20 minutes from the Port a Prince airport

How -  Bridging local needs with resources to advance long term projects 

Why -  To inspire leaders to Christ-likeness and empower them to impact their  families, local churches and communities with the Gospel.

Core Principles -  
1. God Love's Everyone
Throughout scripture we learn of God's love for us. True faith in Christ is a personal choice and an act of the will that cannot be and should not be coerced. Christians should not impose there beliefs on others by law but demand the human freedom to exercise there spiritual powers of prayer, preaching and providing for those in need.

2.  All People are Created Equal
A Biblical moral view of human equality can be fostered and protected in a society where all people can participate in their government through fair election's, the rule of law and a free press. People are not equal where economic, religious and racial discrimination flourish.  

3.  People are Created to Create
We have been created in the image of God who has endowed us with the capacity to co-create using our God-given intelligence, the resources of the earth and human cooperation. The economic mentality of taking rather than making only leads to endless poverty and un-empowerment.

Current Situation
The UN and the non-governmental organizations (NGOs) who are in Haiti and who have come to Haiti since the earthquake of January 12, 2010 are important. They are providing key core infrastructures to get Haiti back on her feet, but they are not the hope of Haiti. In time the best thing they can do will be to leave Haiti and the best thing that can happen will be for the Haitian people to rebuild their own society with a strong moral and spiritual view of humanity that promotes human equality, human creation of commerce and business and establishes Christ as its true and only hope through with religious freedom and protection for all.

Prayer Requests
For God to raise a new generation of leaders who will lead with boldness and integrity

For revival in the Haitian Baptist churches that will translate in transformed lives and a significant impact on the nation, both spiritually and culturally

Jobs and housing for the Haitian people; hope and encouragement for the generation that survived the earthquake of January 12, 2010