Thursday, June 18, 2009

Dr. Calvert Preaches Inaugural Service to Over 400

When God is at work, it is fun to watch and humbling to participate in His plans. Our new church in Tamboril worked hard for a month leading up to the third week of June. Dr. Calvert's team of 30 young people was also hard at work preparing special music and testimonies in Spanish. When we got together, God blessed mightily and we had over 1oo kids each day in Vacation Bible School with 32 receiving Christ as their Savior. Wednesday night we kicked the church off underneath the tent the Rawlings foundation donated with more than 400 in attendance. We had to dismiss the children and still had people standing outside the tent to hear God's word. 20 adults received Christ as their Savior that night and somehow there was cake to spare after all was said and done. Amazing!!