Monday, July 19, 2010

Series on Prayer Completed

Finished up a four week series on prayer. Presented Mabier as our newest member after having baptized him at the river last week. (It was beautiful day) He really perked up with me calling him up in front of everybody, a very special moment. After a rather long morning service, I had to run over to Pastor Jean Dial's church (this is the second work we started last year) and to my surprise they were all waiting for me. I walked right in and started preaching: "If I were the Devil" - Gary translated in Creol. Sure hope he did well, because, I have no clue what he was saying, I think they thought I really was the Devil for awhile - Smile - it went great and I was very encouraged. All in all a wonderful morning. Tonight our missionaries Jorge and Penny came in to stay with us and we spent the evening getting ready for VBS. Lots of work this week - please pray - didn't get home till 10:00. Neat to have a full house of national friends, Carmen is doing better and better. Pray for us, hoping to have a good attendance but we really want them to soak up God's word more than anything.

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