Friday, December 02, 2005

Novembers Interactive Missionary Letter

The Family at the Nobska Lighthouse in Cap Cod, MA HAPPY HOLIDAYS II Thessalonians 1:3 - We are bound to thank God always for you, brethren, as it is meet, because that your faith groweth exceedingly, and the charity of every one of you all toward each other aboundeth; We started off this year in the valley and "we are bound to thank God always for you" that we are ending on top of the mountain. Regina and I will have fully recovered financially from losing everything to “Hurricane Fidel” in January and have been able to replace many of the items (Bibles, Transportation, Tools, Books to name a few) that are vital for the church we are starting in Santiago, D.R. We have also been very encouraged to see "that your faith groweth exceedingly". In every conference (10+) that we have been in since returning to the U.S. in late August - faith promise has INCREASED. What a blessing!! In addition, many have been saved (8 in one conference), baptized and in several churches young and old alike have surrendered to serve Him full-time - WOW. We also are happy to report "that the charity of everyone of you all toward each other aboundeth" - the Battlefield Baptist church unexpectedly gave us 10,000$ to start a mobile MANNA feeding center in the D.R. - this will be MANNA’s first center there - WOW. Finally, our travels have taken us from TX, to KS, to MA to FL and everywhere in between over the last 3 months and we have been encouraged by Gracia Burnham, Adel Castro (Fidels nephew), Dr. Chuck Lynch, FBI counter intelligence officials, New Tribes representatives and many more. MERRY CHRISTMAS to all!! FYI DR4Christ is loaded with brand new material on the D.R. and includes up to date prayer requests, needs and more. In addition to this you can download videos, photos for your Missions conferences and most importantly you can enroll for our quarterly HTML e-mails at - Hurry because the first newly designed HTML is headed your way in January. Tyler and Jordan in Arlington with Hallmark Baptist

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